Archive for August, 2017

Fall is coming

Wednesday, August 23rd, 2017





























It’s almost time for pumpkins, chilly weather, haunted houses, and turkey! Fall is around the corner. What a great time of year to prepare your home for the cooler weather and the falling leaves. Marshall can help with many of your upgrades to your home for the fall and winter months. Upgrade your shutters and woodwork trim. Replace your faulty and outdated gutters. Place gutter shields or covers on your existing gutters. Update drafty windows and doors. 


Quick Home To Do List For the Fall

Monday, August 14th, 2017

Here are some easy projects to do around your home this fall


Update your windows or skylights. Prepare for the winter, update your home and increase the value of your biggest investment. New windows save your energy, and update the look of the interior and exterior of your home.





















Create an outdoor fire pit. Extend your entertaining to the outdoors with a fire pit. Add seating and a bin of warm covers. Smores anyone?






















New gutters, downspouts and gutter system. Fall is the best time to update your gutter system. Gutter protection shields and GutterTopper makes can alleviate the pain of clogged gutters and downspouts. 






































Get new shutters or paint them a new color. Updating your shutters for the fall and winter is awesome. With fall walks, and entertaining your home will have a fresher look!




























Get fall candles. Make the inside of your home inviting and warm with fall candles and warmer scents.
























Pumpkins and fall fruits and vegetables! Pumpkins are perfect decor on your front porch, in the yard and inside your home during the fall season!



























August 2017 Newsletter

Saturday, August 5th, 2017


August Newsletter. Ideas for home and learn about your gutters for fall

We are more than a roofing company. 

Our Services
Complete Gutter Systems by Marshall

Gutters Information


Here is a quick guide about your gutters. You may notice a leak, or damage to a part on your gutters. This quick guide allows you to inform us of the issue, and have someone access the issue accurately. 



With fall around the corner, you may want to prepare for fall leaves with gutter screens or a gutter protection system. Prevent leaves from clogging your gutters and downspouts!


For more information on parts of the gutters, and gutter protection visit our website: MarshallGutters


4 Last Minute Home Summer Projects 

Check out these last minute ideas for summer projects. 


From outside your home updating wood work, decking and guttering. To inside of your home, updating cabinetry. Find tips on some summer projects. 



  For more information visit: MarshallProjects


Don’t have a “Should’ve called Marshall Roofing” moment

Fun Recipes

Fun Recipes
Shrimp Alfredo

1 lb. fetuccine

2 tbsp. butter, divided

1 lb. shrimp, peeled and deveined, tails removed

kosher salt

Freshly ground black pepper

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 egg yolk

1 c. cream

1/2 c. whole milk

1 c. freshly grated Parmesan, plus more for garnish

1 tbsp. Chopped parsley, for garnish

Full Recipe: