About Us


The President

troypicfromfb I have been a roofing, siding, and windows professional since the early 1970s. In my early years as an estimator, I realized how much I loved the joy I received from clients who were happy with my craftsmanship. This made me want to begin my own company. I wanted a company that focused on customer service. In 1980 I created Marshall Roofing, Siding, & Windows. My dream was to create the best exterior home renovation business centered on customer service offering three values. These values include: concern for the customer, offering the customer the best products, and giving the customer the best price for the high quality products. These values have also become a staple in our company over the last 35 years. They are the reason our business has primarily grown from referrals. Entrusting a company into your home is a very important decision. Please note that we are grateful you thought highly enough of our company to want to know more. If you have any questions, please give us a call or send us an email today.troysigdark 

The Company

Marshall Roofing, Siding & Windows is a top roofing, siding, windows, and gutters company based in Northern Virginia.  Through­out the years pro­vid­ing the high­est level of cus­tomer ser­vice and 100% home­owner sat­is­fac­tion has been the pinnacle prin­ci­ple at Mar­shall Roof­ing Siding & Windows. The belief that each and every home­owner deserves to receive good value for their money is the driving concept on the functions of the company.Marshall Roofing, Siding & Windows has received a checkmark for Quality on the Wash­ing­ton Con­sumers’ Checkbook, based upon cus­tomer reviews. Mar­shall Roof­ing is also highly rated on National Consumer Rating’s Website, and has earned their Super Ser­vice Award from 2007 – 2019!  Mar­shall Roof­ing Siding & Windows continues to have the high­est num­ber of con­sumer reviews for both of these sites – so you can feel com­fort­able in know­ing that these rat­ings are not based upon just one or two favor­able expe­ri­ences – but hundreds. In a world where customer service is less valued, it is good to know you have a trustworthy company in your corner.We are more than a roofing company. We offer services in repair and replacement for roofs, siding, skylights, and attic ventilation fans. We also replace windows, gutters, and front entry doors! Our service area includes Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, Fauquier, Loudoun, Montgomery, Prince George, and Prince William Counties!Email us today for your free estimate: Estimate


Our Mission, Vision, Values:

Our vision is brought to life with experienced estimators. Our estimators have expert product knowledge and experience with matching the customer to the right products. This along with our signature customer service is what makes us Marshall Roofing Siding & Windows, a name you can trust.

Mission Statement: Our objective is to provide our customers with the highest quality roofing, siding, windows, gutters and entry door work in the Northern Virginia & Maryland areas by offering experience, efficiency, high quality products, customized projects and the best customer service. Our goal is 100% customer satisfaction.

Vision: Our vision is to be the best roofing, siding, windows, gutters and entry door replacement contractor in Northern Virginia & Maryland. Our vision is centered on the customers’ needs and the vision of their home.

Core Values: Our motivation in each project is directed from our core values. Each core value is centered on the customer and includes: old time values, concern for the customer, offering the customer the best products and giving the customer the best price for the high quality products. 

The Team

Our Estimators: Chris Butler, Doug McCleaf, Matt Marshall, John Campbell

Chris picture Chris Butler is an estimator and the Vice-President of Marshall Roofing, Siding, and Windows. Chris has been with the company 21 years, and has been a roofing professional for 36 years! His passion for detailexperience, and honesty are a few of the reasons our clients appreciate him. When you have an experienced and honest professional on the job you can trust their advice! Email Chris
Doug picture Doug McCleaf is an estimator with Marshall Roofing, Siding, and Windows. Doug has been with the company for 10 years and a roofing professional for over 30 years! Clients rave about his responsivenessthorough inspections, and attention to detail. When you enjoy what you do, it really shows!  Email Doug
Matt Marshall is an estimator with Marshall Roofing, Siding and Windows. Matt is the son of the owner, and roofing has been his entire life. He is knowledgeable about the products, and clients love his detailed inspections and his easy to understand, no hassle explanations of their home’s needs. Email Matt
         John_Campbell_estimator_marshall_roofing John Campbell, our seasoned roofer, brings over two decades of invaluable experience to every project. As our dedicated gutter and roofing expert, John’s wealth of knowledge ensures top-notch craftsmanship and unparalleled expertise. John Campbell can be emailed at John

Field Supervisor:

Robbie Lawrence is the field supervisor with Marshall Roofing, Siding, and Windows. Robbie supervises new roof projects, and will complete a final inspection of your new roof! Clients are always happy and assured when Robbie arrives and does the final inspection. Email Robbie


Our Repair Technicians: Lynn Pyle, Jose Portillo & Chris Thomas

service dept small cropped

 Administrative Staff: Annette Dunbar (Operations Manager), Erika Smith (Accounting), Priscilla (Marketing & Communications Manager), Cassidy Benotti (Windows & Doors) and Carrie (Processing).

annette white brick wall Annette Dunbar is the Operations Manager at the Lorton office. Annette has been with the company for 17 years! She manages the roof replacement division. She is not your average Office Manager. She is certified! She understands the roofing industry as well as the administrative side of the business. If there is a problem Annette knows the solution! Our customers love that she is well knowledgeable, patient, and there when you need her. Email Annette


Our team is ready to take on your repair, new roof installation, new siding, new gutters, Gutter Topper protection system, window installation, carpentry, and new door installation projects! Are you ready? Email us for your free estimate at: Estimate.

The Dif­fer­ence

There are many roof­ing con­trac­tors in the region that you could choose. Why entrust your home improve­ment project to Mar­shall? One rea­son is Mar­shall Roofing’s com­mit­ment to cus­tomer sat­is­faction. Troy and the entire Mar­shall team under­stand that you are plac­ing your largest per­sonal invest­ment in Mar­shall Roofing’s hands, and they truly want you to be happy with the results. Troy does not want you to be a cus­tomer only once – he strives to build a rela­tion­ship that will make you want to be a cus­tomer for life.

Per­haps the biggest rea­son to choose Marshall Roofing is that over 70% of Mar­shall Roofing’s new cus­tomers come from referrals from exist­ing cus­tomers, and not advertising. Troy’s cus­tomers are so happy with the job that has been done, that out of every ten new cus­tomers that come to Mar­shall Roof­ing, seven of them were referred by sat­is­fied home­own­ers. Very few busi­nesses of any kind can boast that. 

Service Area 

Alexan­dria, VA
Annan­dale, VA 
Arling­ton, VA 
Ash­burn, VA
Aspen Hill, MD
Bar­nesville, MD
Beale­ton, VA
Belle­view, VA 
Berwyn Heights, MD
Bethesda, MD
Bowie, MD
Broad Run, VA
Brookeville, MD
Burke, VA
Calver­ton, VA 
Camp Springs, MD
Capi­tol Heights, MD
Car­roll­ton, MD
Catlett, VA
Cen­tre­ville, VA
Chan­tilly, VA
Chev­erly, MD
Chevy Chase, MD
Clifton, VA
Clin­ton, MD
Colesville, MD
Col­lege Park, MD
Darnestown, MD
Dela­plane, VA
Dis­trict Heights, MD
Dulles, VA
Dum­fries, VA
Engle­side, Mount Ver­non, VA
Fair Oaks, VA
Fair­fax Sta­tion, VA
Fair­fax, VA
Falls Church, VA
Forestville, MD
Fort Belvoir, VA
Fort Wash­ing­ton, MD
Fran­co­nia, VA
Gainesville, VA
Gaithers­burg, MD
Ger­man­town, MD
Gle­nar­den, MD
Great Falls, VA
Green­belt, MD
Hay­mar­ket, VA
Hern­don, VA
Hill­crest Heights, MD
Hunt­ing­ton, VA
Hyattsville, MD
Kens­ing­ton, MD
Ket­ter­ing, MD
Kingstowne, Fran­co­nia, VA
Lan­dover, Greater Lan­dover,MD
Largo, MD
Lau­rel, Henrico
Lay­tonsville, MD
Lees­burg, VA
Lor­ton, VA
Man­as­sas Park, VA
Man­as­sas, VA
Mar­low Heights, MD
Mar­shall, VA
Mar­tins Addi­tions, MD
McLean, VA
Mer­ri­field, VA
Mid­land, VA
Mitchel­lville, MD
Mont­gomery Vil­lage, MD
Mont­gomery, MD
New Bal­ti­more, VA
Nokesville, VA
Oak­ton, VA
Olney, MD
Opal, VA
Oxon Hill, MD
Poolesville, MD
Potomac Falls, VA
Potomac, MD
Prince George’s
Prince William
Rem­ing­ton, VA
Reston, VA
Rockville, MD
Ross­lyn, VA
Seabrook, MD
Seven Cor­ners, VA
Sil­ver Spring, MD
Som­er­set, MD
South Rid­ing, VA
Spring­field, VA
Ster­ling, VA
Suit­land, MD
Sumer­duck, VA
Takoma Park, MD
Tem­ple Hills, MD
The Plains
The Plains, VA
Upper Marl­boro, MD
Vienna, VA
Wal­dorf, Charles
War­ren­ton, VA
West McLean, McLean, VA
Wheaton, MD
Wood­bridge, VA