Manassas Virginia


We are happy to service the Manassas, VA area! We offer services in roofing sidingwindowsgutters, carpentry, sliding glass doors, front entry doors, skylights and more!


Manassas Service Area: 20108, 20110 and 20136


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Hear are reviews from clients in Manassas:


Roof Repair: I had quite a few leaks in my town­home, and after hav­ing sev­eral com­pa­nies in to repair them with­out pos­i­tive results, I called Mar­shalls. They fixed every one over a year ago. Many rain storms later, I still have no leaks. Their work­man­ship, pro­fes­sion­al­ism and reli­a­bil­ity is the rea­son I am using them to replace all the win­dows in my home. Via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Man­as­sas, VA 11/3/2015.  

Roof Repair: Excel­lent.  Respon­sive.  Was able to sched­ule quickly and make repair dur­ing ini­tial visit.  Explained every­thing and pro­vided before and after pho­tos. Via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Man­as­sas, VA 10/12/2015

Excel­lent ser­vice begin­ning to end!  Low-key sales approach, timely and prompt visit for esti­mate, price was rea­son­able, and all points of con­tact were extremely pro­fes­sional.  I highly rec­om­mend Mar­shall for any roof­ing needs! via Yelp for our Man­as­sas, VA loca­tion. 10/11/2015. 

Solar fans, sof­fit vents, and smart vens instal­la­tion: Cathe­dral ceil­ing in 30 year old  con­tem­po­rary house  col­lapsed. Inspec­tion by CHRIS BUTLER from Marshall’s revealed cause to be lack of sof­fits and inad­e­quate attic ven­ti­la­tion, thus buildup of con­den­sa­tion in attic and inside the ceil­ing fiber­board. 
Mr. But­ler is a superb gen­tle­man and tech­ni­cal expert.  Ren­dered com­pre­hen­sive pro­posal com­plete with illus­tra­tive brochures.  
Marshall’s office man­ager kept me updated over sev­eral weeks on spe­cific date of repairs due to inter­ven­ing  weather, etc.
Four man instal­la­tion crew was prompt, effi­cient, and busi­nesslike in com­plet­ing work in less than a day in spite of 94 degree heat at ground level.  Removed old attic fan (now unneeded) even though this was not in the very com­pre­hen­sive pro­posal Chris But­ler ren­dered.  Thor­oughly cleaned up residue inside and out­side premise upon depar­ture.  Have done busi­ness with Marshall’s for over 20 years includ­ing one new roof, inter­me­di­ate inspec­tions, and minor (com­pli­men­tary) repairs. This firm and their employ­ees are as good as it gets! JackJ. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Man­as­sas, VA, 8/27/2015

Roof Repair: “I have used Mar­shall Roof­ing for sev­eral years.  Chris But­ler, one of the VPs is my point of con­tact.  I find him to be pro­fes­sional and respon­sive.  I wouldn’t use any other roof­ing com­pany.” via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Man­as­sas, VA. 2/24/14.

“I was excep­tion­ally pleased with all results.  This was the first home improve­ment I’ve had to deal with of this mag­ni­tude and I needed it done right.  Mar­shall was com­pet­i­tive in their pric­ing and help­ful to me in mak­ing deci­sions on mate­ri­als options.  Sched­ul­ing went seam­lessly and the qual­ity of the work­man­ship was out­stand­ing.  Any ques­tions and poten­tial con­cerns I raised dur­ing the course of the three phases of the job were taken of care of promptly and pro­fes­sion­ally.  All peo­ple that I worked with in the com­pany were qual­ity minded, took pride in their work, and aimed to please.  I would absolutely rec­om­mend Mar­shall Roof­ing to any­one con­sid­er­ing a roof­ing project.” via National Con­sumer Rat­ings Web­site. Man­as­sas, VA. 7/18/13

“They were very prompt in com­ing over and giv­ing me an esti­mate. They showed up on time; I think he even showed up a lit­tle early. They did the work and there was no dis­rup­tion what­so­ever. They only wanted pay­ment after I was fully sat­is­fied that the work had been done properly.”—Manassas, VA

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