Fairfax Station

We are happy to ser­vice the Fairfax Station, VA area! We offer ser­vices in roof­ing sid­ingwin­dowsgut­ters, car­pen­try, slid­ing glass doors, front entry doors, sky­lights and more!


Serving: 22030, 22032 and 22039.  


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Hear are reviews from clients in Fairfax Staton:

Work: Gut­ter Repair & Replace­ment, Roof­ing, Sid­ing. Mar­shall did an excel­lent job on both projects. They removed and replaced the gut­ter hel­mets on the back of the house and put a new gut­ter sys­tem on the front of the house. National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Fair­fax Sta­tion, VA, 6/22/17. 

Work: New Flash­ing and Sky­lights. Excel­lent. We moved into a house with old visu­ally cracked plas­tic sky­lights. Robert, from Mar­shall, assessed the work needed clearly with good rec­om­men­da­tions. The price esti­mate was sig­nif­i­cantly bet­ter than I received from other roof­ing com­pa­nies. Robert did an excel­lent instal­la­tion with Velux sky­lights and flash­ing. Three years later, they still look amaz­ing with the glass clar­ity. I meant to pro­vide a review much ear­lier. Fair­fax Sta­tion, VA. National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. 4/3/17

Replace an exist­ing roof dam­aged from ice storm. The com­pany did an excel­lent job. National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Fair­fax Sta­tion, VA, 11/14/16

New Roof & Gut­ters. When our roof was dam­aged by hail I researched roofers and picked Marshell’s because of the great reviews they have as well as an out­stand­ing job done on a neigh­bors home. Almost all of the homes on our street had new roofs put on because of hail dam­age and watch­ing the way the dif­fer­ent com­pa­nies worked made me glad we picked Mar­shalls. I saw com­pa­nies sub­con­tract to men in unmarked pick up trucks who didn’t have an Eng­lish speaker in the crew, roofs were left bare in the rain over night with­out even a tarp to keep the rain out, shin­gles on one roof were placed top to bot­tom instead of cor­rectly bot­tom to top, pack­ages of shin­gles were thrown on the dri­ve­way and hauled to the roof with ropes dam­ag­ing the shin­gles, and shin­gles and nails were thrown into yards instead of a dump­ster like Marshall’s had. Matt worked with our insur­ance com­pany to get them to pay for every­thing we needed for a beau­ti­ful new roof and gut­ters. Thank you Marshall’s! National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Fair­fax Sta­tion, VA 9/27/16

My hus­band called Mar­shall last week to report dam­age in a job that the com­pany did about three months ago. He spoke with Eliz­a­beth, who made all the arrange­ments for a tech­ni­cian to assess the dam­age and repairs on Tues­day, Nov. 10. We were told that the tech­ni­cian will come betweeh 10 and 11 AM. You never know with these sched­ules, they are usu­ally off and one is left wait­ing and wait­ing. But not with this com­pany. Kenny came even before 10 AM, which was great. After he did his inspec­tion, Kenny said he will make sure that the repair is sched­uled as soon as pos­si­ble. And he made clear that the repair will be at no cost to us. We are very pleased with the respon­sive­ness and pro­fes­sion­al­ism of every­one we have engaged with in this com­pany. It was a plea­sure to do busi­ness with them.  via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Fair­fax Sta­tion, VA 11/11/2015. 


Full Ser­vice Area: https://old.marshallroofing.com/citiesweservice

Full List of Reviews: https://old.marshallroofing.com/reviews