Lorton Virginia


We are happy to service the Lorton, VA area! We offer services in roofing sidingwindowsgutters, carpentry, sliding glass doors, front entry doors, skylights and more!


Lorton Service Area: 22079, 22153 and 22199



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Hear are reviews from clients in Lorton:


Roof Replace­ment and sky­lights: Other than a slip in sched­ule due to post-hailstorm work­load, this job went with­out a hitch. Once we got a firm install date, mate­ri­als were deliv­ered on time and work was per­formed quickly and effi­ciently, Area was cleaned up and final job looks fan­tas­tic. National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Lor­ton, VA 12/20/2016

Roof­ing. We noticed water leak on the ceil­ing under a dormer in August. Con­sid­er­ing the hail in our area ear­lier this spring, we decided to look for a roof­ing com­pany for inspec­tion. Mar­shall has the best reviews on Angie’s List and is local. So it became our top choice. We called and real­ized that they are sched­ul­ing inspec­tion a month ahead. We decided to sched­ule any­way and wait. Our wait ended up being very worth­while. Inspec­tor Jeremy Ervin called us a day ahead to con­firm the appoint­ment and came the next day on time. He went up to the roof a few times, first assess­ing, tak­ing pic­tures, then com­ing down to dis­cuss with us, then going up again to patch the trims around the dormer to make sure it won’t leak. He also went into attic to check the dormer area and took more pic­tures. He then taught us how to track future water leak on the ceil­ing. We really appre­ci­ate his knowl­edge and help. We can see that he is treat­ing the house like his own. Unlike some roof­ing com­pa­nies that may exag­ger­ate the hail dam­age, he was very can­did about his opin­ion and didn’t rec­om­mend replace­ment. He emailed us abun­dant pic­tures that will serve as good ref­er­ence in the future. Jeremy Ervin and Mar­shall Roof­ing earned our trust. We will def­i­nitely hire them again. National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Lor­ton, VA 9/26/16

Repaired Roof, Sky­lights, & Dorm­ers: Look no fur­ther for a roofer.  This folks were superla­tive in every way.  Hard­work­ing, great price, punc­tual, polite, just GREAT.
We will most cer­tainly use them in the future. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Lor­ton, VA. 12/23/14

“I would highly rec­om­mend Mar­shall Roof­ing to any­one replac­ing their roof .  From the ini­tial meet­ing with Jeremy (Esti­ma­tor) to Matt Mar­shall from the Ser­vice Divi­sion com­ing out the next day when the job was fin­ished to ensure all nails and debris was picked up and the job was done to our sat­is­fac­tion the expe­ri­ence was good.  The only minor com­plaint would be a slight break down in com­mu­ni­ca­tion from the front office but it was not sig­nif­i­cant enough to war­rant any­thing but an A+ rat­ing for this com­pany.
The crew that came out to do the actual job were great.  Dur­ing the install we had a ques­tion or two about some­thing we were see­ing.  The crew fore­man lis­tened, inves­ti­gated and reported back to us.
We reviewed seven com­pa­nies to replace the roof and Mar­shall came out on top.  Jeremy took the time to answer all my ques­tions, stopped by with sam­ples of col­ors and explained the whole process.  He was knowl­edge­able, per­son­able and looked me in the eye when he was talk­ing.”  via National Con­sumer Rat­ings Web­site. Lor­ton, VA. 11/9/13

Full Ser­vice Area: https://old.marshallroofing.com/citiesweservice

Full List of Reviews: https://old.marshallroofing.com/reviews