Alexandria Virginia Location: Marshall Roofing Siding Windows Gutters & Carpentry

Alexandria, VA service area


We are happy to service the Alexandria, VA area! We offer services in roofing sidingwindowsgutters, carpentry, sliding glass doors, front entry doors, skylights and more!


Alexandria residents please call 703-550-0055. Serving: 22311, 22304, 22302, 22305, 22314


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Hear are reviews from clients in Alexandria:


Work: New Roof. Bet­ter than I expected.I would def­i­nitely use this com­pany for any of the ser­vices they offer. I inter­viewed three firms . Doug McCleaf from Mar­shall impressed me the most with knowl­edge and abil­ity to con­vey the scope of the project. Mar­shall had replaced my roof 24 years ago and I think they have got­ten bet­ter. I would highly rec­om­mend Marshall’s for roof replace­ment. National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA, 5/18/17. 

Major Leak. Thank good­ness a friend rec­om­mended Mar­shall Roof­ing. They repaired the dam­age at a very rea­son­able price. They worked with a masonry expert to diag­nose the cracks in the chim­ney. After the repairs were done they did a water test to make sure the repairs were done cor­rectly. They kept at it until the job was done right. Mar­shall Roof­ing had earned my trust so I felt very com­fort­able ask­ing them to replace my gut­ters and down­spouts. Their pric­ing was so rea­son­able. Their esti­mates were half the price of other esti­mates I had received. Every­one I worked with at Mar­shall Roof­ing were cour­te­ous, reli­able and very effi­cient. I highly rec­om­mend them to any­one look­ing for a com­pany with integrity and ethics. National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA 9/13/16

Roof replace­ment. Work­ing with Mar­shal was won­der­ful! The pric­ing was very fair and I enjoyed work­ing with all staff that I had the oppor­tu­nity to inter­act with.  National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA 9/6/16

Repair shin­gles and flash­ing. Nor­val Wright made two vis­its to our house. The ini­tial visit was to assess prob­lems dis­cov­ered by a home inspec­tor and pro­vide an esti­mate for the required repairs. Nor­val returned sev­eral days later to com­plete the agreed-upon work. All work was accom­plished effi­ciently and pro­fes­sion­ally. I highly rec­om­mend Mar­shall Roof­ing and espe­cially Nor­val Wright. National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA 8/25/16

Roof Repair:  Right after I called the com­pany I received an email and a phone call from the owner of the com­pany Mr. Troy and his son Matt offer­ing to help me with my project. Chris pro­vided esti­mate for the roof work. On a dif­fer­ent date the company’s car­pen­ter Jason came and looked at the wood work and pro­vided esti­mate for two alter­na­tive sce­nar­ios. The car­pen­try work was slightly pricey for me so I could not pro­ceed with it. How­ever, the shin­gle replace­ment part of it was very rea­son­able so I took their bid gladly. 
Today, Chris and his assis­tant Robby came on time and did not waste a minute. They were extremely knowl­edge­able (they edu­cated me a lot on the source of the prob­lem, what it has caused, what they are going to do to fix it and what other things to watch out in the future and so on). They were very friendly, and effi­cient in their work. I am amazed at the level of their pro­fes­sion­al­ism, dis­ci­pline, and over­all atti­tude and value for cus­tomer ser­vice. After they com­pleted their work, they cleaned up every­thing and offered me to call them if I have any con­cern after they left. I am very much impressed by the degree of their pro­fes­sion­al­ism, kind heart­ed­ness, ser­vice ori­en­ta­tion, and pre­ci­sion in the way they do their job. Thank you Chris and the Mar­shall roof­ing. I can’t wait to see you on another project. via National Con­sumer Review Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA, 11/16/2015. 

Slate Roof Repair/carpentry/chimney repairs: We have used them twice in the past six months. The first time, they found and repaired a long-standing slow leak from an improp­erly installed asphalt roof installed by another com­pany. They also replaced a few slates on our 75-year old slate. After hav­ing some chim­ney repairs and minor car­pen­try, I noticed some bro­ken slates, and they came back to replace some addi­tional slates. They always showed up on time and were extremely pro­fes­sional. They also pro­vided pic­tures of the areas that needed repair. For the recent job, they had two men here for most of a morn­ing. On both occa­sions, their charges appeared to me to be quite rea­son­able. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA, 9/1/2015

Such a plea­sure to have skilled work­man who are also service-oriented, arrive on time, respect your prop­erty to avoid dam­age dur­ing repair, and clean-up so thor­oughly.  Mar­cus McConchie installed win­dows at our office, and then we hired him to install two win­dows at our home because he and his team had done such a great job.  The win­dows were more com­pli­cated because of height and size, but pre­sented no prob­lems.  Mark worked longer than the esti­mate but hon­ored it any­way.  We rec­om­mend them for your roof­ing and win­dow instal­la­tion needs. via Yelp. Alexan­dria, VA 6/22/15

Roof Leak, vent flash­ing: We had a roof leak; Matt came out promptly, went up on the roof to review the sit­u­a­tion, gave us an esti­mate, and though the com­pany was busy at the time, book­ing sev­eral weeks out, Matt worked hard to squeeze us in to his sched­ule ear­lier. He replaced the flash­ing and roof tiles and while he was up there eval­u­ated the cur­rent con­di­tion of our roof, say­ing it was good for another 5–7 years! He did NOT try to sell us a new roof, unlike those going door-to-door telling us we needed a new one. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA 2/18/15

Roof repair, vent cap: I emailed Mar­shall Roof­ing on a Sun­day night using the Angie’s list online ser­vice after I found dis­cov­ered that a por­tion of the vent cap had blown off dur­ing a pretty severe wind­storm. The next day, a gov hol­i­day no less, Mar­shall Roof­ing called and said they could come out to inspect the dam­age. Mr. Winters–appropriately named because it was barely 20 degrees outside-arrived about 1hr ear­lier than expected, but within 40 min­utes he had nailed down the vent cap, and installed new shin­gles over a vent pipe that a gen­eral con­trac­tor had put in incor­rectly. He worked dili­gently and quickly and even did an inspec­tion of the roof. I would hire again. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA. 2/17/15

 Car­pen­try installed rake wrap: It was a plea­sure work­ing with Mar­shall Roof­ing. They were quick to respond to phone calls and emails and were able to do the work two days after giv­ing us an esti­mate. They called to fol­low up after work was per­formed to make sure we were sat­is­fied  – great cus­tomer ser­vice. Knowl­edge­able, cour­te­ous, pro­fes­sional and very fair pric­ing! Would def­i­nitely use them again for any roof­ing or sid­ing needs. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA. 2/15/15

Roof Replace­ment: My wife and I are absolutely thrilled with our entire Mar­shall Roof­ing expe­ri­ence. They are FIRST rate by far. Doug McCleaf was the first to con­tact us back…SAME day we called. Doug was the first to come out and really set the bar very high. He pro­vided an very in depth assess­ment, took the time to answer all our ques­tions and left us with our detailed esti­mate same day. The day the roof was replaced, Guadalupe and his crew were 30 min­utes early and worked non-stop until the roof was com­pleted and every bit of the old roof and trash was removed. The final walk through inspec­tion went like clock­work. I DEFIANTLY would and have rec­om­mended Mar­shall Roof­ing to fam­ily and friends. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA. 2/11/15

 Roof Repair: I had Mar­shall replace some asphalt shin­gles that had come loose dur­ing a storm on my 3-level town­house. They did an excel­lent job match­ing the color and left me the left­over shin­gles for future repairs. Also had them caulk/paint the rake on the right gable while they were up there since it was look­ing shabby but had not been a big enough job by itself to jus­tify a ser­vice call. The work was done on time and did not exceed the esti­mate. I’m thrilled to have a reli­able, pro­fes­sional com­pany I can rely on to per­form even small repair jobs at a rea­son­able price. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA. 1/13/15

Roof and gut­ter repairs: We’ve used Mar­shall Roof­ing sev­eral times and for good rea­son. Roof and gut­ter repairs and replace­ment — they charge a fair price and pro­vide excel­lent work. Nor­val Wright and Chris Thomas are real pros and a delight to work with. via Yelp. Alexan­dria, VA. 9/10/2014

Roof & Gut­ter Repairs:“I was very impressed by Marshall’s Roof­ing.  They were always punc­tual — both at the time of the esti­mate, and when the work was per­formed.  Their price was in line with other esti­mates I received, but I felt the qual­ity of their mate­ri­als was supe­rior.  Most impres­sive to me was the com­mu­ni­ca­tion that I received.  I was noti­fied when they expected to come do the work, and when they were delayed by weather, I was informed imme­di­ately and an alter­nate date given.  At one point there was a ques­tion about the color of some of the repair hard­ware, and rather than just “go ahead”, work was halted until I could be reached and my approval obtained.  I have already rec­om­mended Marshall’s to a friend and will cer­tainly remem­ber them for future needs.” via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Alexan­dria, VA. 2/19/14

  “We had a great experience with Marshall Roofing.  They are very professional and friendly.  We would recommend them in a heartbeat.  I don’t think we have received this kind of customer service ever before.  

Before selecting Marshall we received quotes from three other companies.  Marshall was very professional, punctual and friendly from the start.  I left them a message and they were quick to get back to me.  They told me upfront that it would be a week or two before they could get out for an estimate.  I expected this after speaking with a few other companies.  
Jeremy came out for the estimate and was very thorough and friendly.  Of the four places who gave us quotes, Marshall was the only company that went into our attic.  Only two of the four (Marshall and another) got up on the roof to look around.  After going into the attic Jeremy noticed there was ventilation blocking our in take.  Jeremy went through our shingle options and the guarantees that came with them.  Before leaving he printed up a proposal/estimate for the work they would do.  Their quote wasn’t the most expensive or the least expensive.  Later that evening Jeremy emailed us pictures of the roof he had taken during his visit.  Within a week Marshall called to give us a timeframe of when they would be out to put on our roof (mid November).  They called us a week or so later to give us a definite date.  
Both work days, they arrived a few minutes early and ready to work.  Afterwards our neighbors commented on how quiet they were compared to when their other neighbors had their roof replaced.
A few weeks later when we had a lot of rain and snow, one of our bedroom windows leaked.  We had never had a problem with it before.  I called Marshall and explained the problem.  They scheduled someone to come out to take a look.  They said if it wasn’t an issue with the roof (which would be under warranty), they could give us an estimate on the window.  Robert came out (with another man who I never spoke to) and discussed the problem with me before he took a look.  Afterwards he wrote up an invoice and explained to me what they had found.  They needed to pull off the bottom three rows of shingles on front bump out and pad out the dip and add more winterguard. Then they would install new shingles and adjust diverter so it was at more of an angle.  It was a warranty repair.  Within a week someone was out to make the repairs.  It took less than 30 minutes to do the repairs.  My son was napping on the top floor and didn’t wake during the repairs.  
As I said before we had a great experience with Marshall.  Everyone we dealt with was very friendly and professional.  We received excellent customer service.” via National Consumer Ratings WebsiteAlexandria, VA. 12/31/13

” I was pleased with this job, including the company’s response to my request to remediate an error that became apparent after the first major rain storm.

They scheduled my job as soon as they could, but due to the very wet summer it was about a month between when I signed my quote and when installation occurred. Chris and Annett were my points of contact throughout. The installer arrived on the day scheduled and completed the job. I didn’t need to be present since this was outside work. Everything was cleaned up and neat when they were done.

About 3 weeks later, we had our first major heavy rain with wind, and the elbow of one downspout pulled loose from force of the water coming down from above. The problem was due to having used only 1 screw at this joint and the downspout actually tore at the point where that 1 screw was attached. I contacted Chris and Annett the following day and described the problem. Chris said he would send someone on that Thursday (3 days later) to check and fix the problem, which he did. I came home that day to find the downspout correctly attached and torn parts apparently replaced.

I selected this company because (1) it got great Angies List reviews; (2) a friend has used them previously and was pleased with their work; (3) I wanted my gutters pitched correctly to remediate a water incursion problem that was causing problems inside. I’d previously used a handyman to install and repair my gutters , which may have lead up to some of the inside problems. Marshalls was the right choice. I was especially impressed because they stood behind their work and fixed the downspout problem promptly. I wasn’t especially bothered that the installer only used 1 screw in the first place because the response to my pointing out the error/problem was handled promptly and professionally. What more could I ask of any business! This was a good contractor experience!” via National Consumer Ratings Website. Alexandria, VA. 11/29/13

“Showed up on time. All of the materials had been delivered to the roof ahead of time. Tear off of old roof was neat and and all debris collected on an as you go basis. From the estimate to the work, with the follow up for new gutter screening it all went smoothly.” Via Angie’s List-Scott. Alexandria, VA. 11/25/13Showed up on time. All of the materials had been delivered to the roof ahead of time. Tear off of old roof was neat and and all debris collected on an as you go basis. From the estimate to the work, with the follow up for new gutter screening it all went smoothly.” via National Consumer Ratings Website. Alexandria, VA 11/25/13.

 “You all were wonderful at repairing my flat roof this summer.    I really appreciated the great service, and should have sent a thank you note at the time.”  via email- Michelle. Alexandria, VA. 10/21/13. 

“Everyone I dealt with from Marshall Roofing was extremely professional.     The receptionist set up a time for an estimate and provided me the name of the person who would be coming to the house.  That person arrived on time, checked out the skylight and entire roof, explained exactly what needed to be done and provided me an estimate.  Although the skylight is 24 years old, he told me there was no sign the seal had broken but if I wanted to replace it because of its age, he would provide an estimate.   However he in no way put any pressure on me to replace the skylight .   He also said it would take approximately 2 weeks before the job could be done depending on the weather.  When I made my decision, I was put on the schedule and the work was completed within that time frame.   I was not home when the repairs were made, but after inspecting the roof around the skyllight, it appears to be well done and there was no mess left.   There have been a couple of down pours since the work was done and there has been absolutely no sign of leakage.  I’m very pleased with the service I received.” via National Consumer Ratings Website. Alexandria, VA. 8/22/13 


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