Archive for August, 2016

We have 5 Star Reviews on Yelp for our Roofing Siding Windows Carpentry Doors and more!

Wednesday, August 24th, 2016

Take a look at some of our five star reviews from Yelp! We are highly rated on many sites by consumers all over Northern Virginia and Maryland. With services in roofing, siding, windows, carpentry, front entry doors, sliding glass and patio doors. Thank you so much for your support and ratings. We appreciate it! 

yelp review















Serving Fairfax Prince William, Fauquier, Arlington, Alexandria, Gainesville, Warrenton, Falls Church, Woodbridge, Vienna, Reston, Herndon, Leesburg, Prince George’s, and more. Call for a no hassle free estimate!


Rate us on Google. And check out what people are saying

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

Check out our reviews on Google. Be sure to rate us! marshallroofinggoogle

Contest….Play to win $50 giftcard!

Tuesday, August 9th, 2016

Show­case your roof­ing, sid­ing, win­dows, doors, car­pen­try, patio, sky­lights, and other trans­for­ma­tion jobs by Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Windows and be entered to win a $50 gift card! *




We are look­ing for the best before and after pho­tos of jobs com­pleted by our com­pany! We are giv­ing away a $50 VISA gift card to one lucky winner!* Just email with your before and after pictures of any Marshall Roofing project before August 31st for your chance to win!! Include the date the project was completed, and your experience working with us! 



*Sub­mit your before and after pho­tos of work com­pleted by Mar­shall Roof­ing, Sid­ing & Win­dows, for a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card. To sub­mit your entry email, or just reply to this newslet­ter. Include your pho­tos, date of com­ple­tion, work that was per­formed and show­cased in the pho­tos, your expe­ri­ence, and your con­tact information.  

August Northern VA Roofing Siding Windows $500 off Hardie Plank* and Contest*

Tuesday, August 2nd, 2016


$500 off Hardie Plank Siding, and Win $50 contest. Open for details

We are more than a roofing company. 

Our Services
Save $500 off HardiePlank*
We are proud to offer our first ever HardiePlank Promotion!
For the month of August we are offering  
$500.00 off HardiePlank Siding jobs of 10 squares or more.
Transform your home with new siding by HardiePlank! Instantly increase your curb appeal, protect your home from the elements, and save with energy efficiency! 

*Not valid on contracts signed before August 1, 2016 or after August 31, 2016. Not valid with any other promotions or discounts. Valid on James Hardie siding only. Must purchase 10 or more squares of siding to receive discount. No cash value. 

Hail Damage
The recent storms have caused significant damage to roofs, siding, windows, and gutters.
It’s not too late to have your home evaluated for hail damage! 
Call us for a free evaluation at 703-550-0055 or email for a quick response! 

Showcase your roofing, siding, windows, doors, carpentry, patio, skylights, and other transformation jobs by Marshall Roofing, Siding & Windows! 


We are looking for the best before and after photos of jobs completed by our company! We are giving away a $50 VISA gift card to one lucky winner!**




*Submit your before and after photos of work completed by Marshall Roofing, Siding & Windows, for a chance to win a $50 Visa gift card. To submit your entry email, or just reply to this newsletter. Include your photos, date of completion, work that was performed and showcased in the photos, your experience, and your contact information.  



Don’t have a “Should’ve called Marshall Roofing” moment

Fun Recipes

Fun Recipes
Grilled Chicken Marinade 

1/4cup cider vinegar

3 tablespoons whole grain mustard

3 cloves garlic, peeled and minced

lime, juiced 

1/2 lemon, juiced

1/2 cup brown sugar

1 1/2 teaspoons salt

6 tablespoons olive oil

ground black pepper

boneless skinless chicken breast halves


Full Recipe: