Archive for April, 2014

CertainTeed Twitter Photo Program

Wednesday, April 23rd, 2014

April 23, 2014


Share your photo of your newly replaced roof on Twitter for a chance to win a $500 gift pack from CertainTeed!

Grand Manor Colonial Slate



Here’s what you have to do.

Tweet a picture of your newly remodeled home to @CTLivingSpaces. The tweet should contain:

  1. The name of the products Marshall installed,

  2. Colors of the products 

  3. Our business name (Marshall Roofing Siding & Windows)


Certainteed will then review entries and choose their winner. The winning entry will be professionally photographed for the CertainTeed’s library, and the homeowner will win a $500 gift pack of CertainTeed Living Spaces® Items. 


The homes that CertainTeed selects to photograph will be based on the number of products used, style of home and location.



Here is a list of gifts to choose. 



Good Luck! 

The Marshall Team





Current Promotion with 50% off Gutter Topper

Friday, April 11th, 2014

New Roof. New Gutters. And Gutter Protection at 50% off! Who could ask for anything more…Protecting your investment made easy. Exp April 2014


gutter topper with gutters adsmall



























Oh Let the Sun Shine In!

Thursday, April 10th, 2014

Well it is officially official. It’s spring! Yay. Bring on the sun. And the windows and skylights! Natural light saves on energy bills, but it also increases productivity and it makes people happier! Request your free skylight estimate today. It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3. Call 703-550-0055 or email


skylight transformation