


We are happy to ser­vice the Burke, VA area since 1980! 

For our Burke, VA location call: 703-323-7047 (zip code: 22009, 22015)

We offer ser­vices in Roof­ing sid­ingwin­dowsgut­ters, car­pen­try, slid­ing glass doors, front entry doors, sky­lights and more!

Here are some reviews from our Siding, Windows, Carpentry jobs from Burke, VA clients:

Replace roof ridge vent cap, open up ridge vent, close gable vents, add caps to a sec­ond exist­ing ridge vent, install and con­nect roof vents for bath­room fans. Punc­tual, pro­fes­sional demeanor, was will­ing to pro­vide dif­fer­ent viable options and prices for work. Pointed out areas need­ing addi­tonal main­te­nance, but did not try to “upsell” for ser­vices I did not request. National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA. 10/27/16

Replaced our bal­cony, shut­ters, some paint­ing, some car­pen­try work and replaced the front of garage frame. Went great. Marshall’s Roof­ing did a superb job; front of house and garage looks brand new, in fact, bet­ter than it did when it was brand new. The first time I used Marshall’s Roof­ing I couldn’t have been more impressed. I called them to do some roof­ing repair that was done by a fly by night roofer. They were respon­sive, on time and very rea­son­able fees. After that, I had to call them to repair the roof after a tree fell on the house; again very respon­sive, on time and very rea­son­able fees. I would not hes­i­tate to use them again. In fact, I just recently had another tree from my neighbor’s yard fall on my house. Marshall’s Roof­ing quickly responded to give me an esti­mate for the repairs, and put a tem­po­rary patch over the dam­aged areas to pre­vent rain from get­ting into the house. Once the insur­ance money is deposited; I know Marshall’s Roof­ing will do a superb job in repair­ing the roof and gut­ters. National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA 9/11/16

Needed some minor repairs and caulk­ing done on my town­house before win­ter set in. Nor­val did the work and he is one of the best! Mar­shall Roof­ing pro­vides easy to read and under­stand esti­mates prior to the work and com­pletes the work on time and on bud­get. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA, 11/27/2015. 

Dryer vent replaced and sid­ing repair: We used Mar­shall Roof­ing to replace our roof and because of their atten­tion to detail and respon­sive­ness to ques­tions and con­cerns, they are the first  and only com­pany I call for roof­ing, sid­ing or win­dow repair/replacement.  I know from expe­ri­ence their price is fair and com­pet­i­tive but more impor­tantly I know the qual­ity of their work is supe­rior.  They ver­ify the appoint­ment, call when on route, com­plete the job, clean up any and all debris, and then present me with an invoice when every­thing is sat­is­fac­tory.  I wish Angie’s list offered a rat­ing higher than “A”, because Mar­shall Roof­ing would be in that cat­e­gory. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA, 7/19/2015

Roof Repair: Excel­lent, very knowl­edgable, located source and rea­son of leak very quickly, did thor­ough inspec­tion of rest of roof and located a cou­ple of poten­tial issues and fixed all on the spot for a very rea­son­able price. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA, 7/16/2015

Roof repairs: Work was per­formed as required. Work­man arrived as sched­uled, did a thor­ough inspec­tion of the roof and area where the leak was com­ing from. Ini­tially, he was just sup­posed to do the inspec­tion and would sched­ule the work for a later time; when he dis­cov­ered where the leak was com­ing from, he was able to fix it that day. I’ve used this com­pany a few times in the past, espe­cially after a major storm dam­aged my roof, they promptly came out and fixed the dam­aged por­tions of the roof. I would rec­om­mend them and def­i­nitely use them again. via National Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA. 1/24/15

May be a lit­tle more expen­sive than some oth­ers, but the com­plete­ness of the crews make up for that. Very con­ge­nial group through­out who act like they want your busi­ness. Com­pany did a roof­ing job for me 25 years ago and I had them back. Very pleased with the work!! via Local Con­sumer Reviews Web­site. Burke, VA. 12/05/14

“Marshall roofing started the job and upon mutual agreement halted the job till the spring to finish…..reason was i did not want to complete with inclement weather upon us.  the organization is very professional and from the work completed to date, i am satisfied the company is first rate. more later in spring after they finish the full job. so far Marshall’s has been very professional!!!!!!” National Consumer Ratings Website. Burke, VA. November 2013

“Excel­lent, fast, good clean up, respon­sive. Ask to speak with owner. He is very pro­fes­sional and accommodating.”—Burke, VA. 2013


Full Ser­vice Area: https://old.marshallroofing.com/citiesweservice

Full List of Reviews: https://old.marshallroofing.com/reviews